01 Inspiration

Little Shining Man

Little Shining Man is a flying sculpture by Heather and Ivan Morison, which is made out of thousands of different parts forming a big cube, lightweight enough to fly. It demonstrates perfectly the macroscopic effects of creating materials or structures that are able to fly by adding air to it. By that I mean the principle to use as less material as possible and leaving as much space as possible for air to float in and around the material.

From their website:”The design of the structure is based around the tetra kites of Alexander Graham Bell, multiplied out into colliding cubes that take their form from the cubic formations of the mineral Pyrite. A double wing module has been duplicated and arranged into a tight cellular structural arrangement that appears as a heavy, un-flyable mass. Utilising lightweight materials and the symmetry of the module and composition, it is able to fly freely and steadily.